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Our Executive Committee

The officers of the Local Chapter will be the Co-Chairs, Secretary, Treasurer, and Social Media Coordinator. The term of office will be one year, and shall run from February 1 to January 31 or until their successors are elected. The officers may not all be of the same gender. The Local Chapter is committed to the goal of having gender parity and of having officers that represent the Local Chapter demographics in terms of race and ethnicity.

Officers & Terms

2024 Co-Chairs

The Co-Chairs are the chief executive officers of the Local Chapter.  They preside over Local Chapter and Executive Committee meetings or will appoint a substitute to assume the powers and duties of the presiding officer as specified in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.  The Co-Chairs are the official public spokespersons for the Local Chapter and will initiate such actions and policies as the Local Chapter’s general welfare may demand.  In the event that a Co- Chair is unable to perform her/his duties for a single event or a longer period of time, the other Co- Chair will serve as replacement.


The Co-Chairs are responsible also for coordinating the day-to-day operations and political work of the Local Chapter’s branches and committees.


The Co-Chairs report to Local Chapter Regular Meetings on the business of the Executive Committee Meetings, at which time a copy of the minutes of those meetings will be available for inspection.

2024 Treasurer

The Treasurer is responsible for the funds and financial records of the Local Chapter.  All funds collected by the Local Chapter will be turned over to the Treasurer, who shall deposit them in a bank account under the name of the Local Chapter.  In cooperation with the Secretary, the Treasurer will be responsible for ensuring that membership dues are paid up-to-date.  The Treasurer will prepare the annual Local Chapter budget, and deliver the Local Chapter financial report to the General Meeting of the Local Chapter, as well as periodic progress reports as requested by the Executive Committee of the Local Chapter.

2024 Secretary

The Secretary is responsible for answering all correspondence and queries of the Local Chapter, and for maintaining an up-to-date membership list of the Local Chapter.  They will ensure effective communication with the national DSA. They will temporarily assume the responsibilities of the Chair, if both the Co-Chairs are not able to do so.


The Secretary is responsible also for the taking of minutes of all Local Chapter and Executive Committee Meetings, and shall have custody of these minutes, and the resolutions, reports and other official records of the Local Chapter. They shall transfer official records in good condition to their successor.  Official records shall include meeting minutes and member lists.

2024 Social Media Coordinator

The Social Media Coordinator is responsible for managing the social media communications of the Local Chapter.

2024 At-Large Steering Committee Members

The Local Chapter Executive Committee may assign additional temporary duties to an officer of the Local Chapter, so long as such assignments do not conflict with the designation of responsibilities outlined in these Bylaws.

2024 Grievance Officer

The grievance officer mediates disputes among members in a neutral and fair manner, working to resolve interpersonal or organizational conflicts in a way that aligns with the chapter’s values of mutual respect and solidarity.


They serve as the primary point of contact for members to raise grievances, such as concerns about harassment, discrimination, violations of the chapter’s code of conduct, or any other issues that may arise during chapter activities or meetings.


The grievance officer investigates complaints thoroughly and confidentially, gathering relevant information and speaking with all parties involved to determine an appropriate resolution.


They ensure that accountability mechanisms are in place and adhered to. This may involve recommending actions such as mediation, restorative justice practices, or sanctions, depending on the nature and severity of the issue.


The grievance officer often works to educate members about the chapter’s code of conduct, grievance policies, and conflict resolution practices to prevent issues from escalating.


They may participate in drafting, updating, and enforcing the chapter’s grievance policy to ensure it remains relevant, effective, and in line with broader DSA guidelines.


Maintaining strict confidentiality and impartiality is crucial in their role to protect the integrity of the grievance process and build trust among members.


The grievance officer provides regular updates (while protecting confidentiality) to the steering committee or membership about their work, trends in complaints, or systemic issues that may need to be addressed.

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